AITI Week 1 ended pretty well. We got through the first 2 lectures of our Python material and started labs that allowed the students to go over the concepts we went through in lecture. I personally love lab time way more than lecture because it gives the students some alone time with the material. When the students get stuck and call me over, I try to guide them as much as I can without actually giving them the actual answer. The look on their faces as they understand a question or concept in practice is priceless :) I figured that since I was dealing with a bunch of students that knew how to speak Kinyarwanda, I should probably learn how to say a few teacher-ish things in the language. Turns out "Ufite Ikibazo" ("Do you have a question?") was the phrase of the week! The students really love it when I try to communicate with them in Kinyarwanda. I suppose it shows a strong appreciation for their culture on my part and they laugh at me so much because I am a foreigner saying the weirdest things in their language.

We ended the week with a *BANG*! Christina, the entrepreneurship lead, came in and spoke to the group about the process of coming up with an idea and testing it, something that the students witll undoubtedly do by the end of this program. The activity we did is known as "Design a Wallet". Basically you want to try and come up with something that serves the purpose of a wallet better than an actual wallet. Christina tried to tell the students that a good way to generate ideas for a product is to go to the users themselves, so we all took out our wallets and saw what things users might be looking for in their 'ideal' wallet. The students ended the day by actually making a model of their ideas. Check out some pictures! :)

more about my weekend to come! :)
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